Everything You Need to Know About Buying a Pattu Saree

Introduction to Wedding Pattu Sarees

When it comes to traditional Indian weddings, the saree holds a special place in every bride’s heart. And when it comes to sarees, the Wedding Pattu Saree is the epitome of elegance and grandeur. The Wedding Pattu Saree, also known as the Silk Saree, is a symbol of tradition, beauty, and grace. It is intricately woven with rich silk threads, adorned with exquisite designs, and often embellished with gold and silver zari work. In this ultimate guide, we will dive deep into the world of Wedding Pattu Sarees, understand their significance, explore the different types available, and discover how to find the perfect one for your special day.

Understanding the Significance of Wedding Pattu Sarees

The Wedding Pattu Saree holds immense cultural and emotional significance in Indian weddings. It is not merely a piece of clothing; it is a representation of tradition, heritage, and family values. The silk fabric used in Wedding Pattu Sarees is considered auspicious and is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the bride. The intricate designs and motifs woven into the saree tell stories of artistry and craftsmanship passed down through generations. The process of selecting a Wedding Pattu Saree involves the whole family, as it is seen as a collective decision that showcases the family’s taste and style. It is a garment that holds memories and is often passed down as an heirloom from one generation to another.

Different Types of Wedding Pattu Sarees

Wedding Pattu Sarees come in a wide variety of styles and designs, each originating from different regions of India. Some of the most popular types of Wedding Pattu Sarees include Banarasi Silk Sarees, Kanjeevaram Silk Sarees, Paithani Silk Sarees, and Mysore Silk Sarees. Banarasi Silk Sarees, known for their intricate brocade work, are a favorite among brides who desire a regal and royal look. Kanjeevaram Silk Sarees, hailing from the southern state of Tamil Nadu, are known for their rich color combinations and heavy zari work. Paithani Silk Sarees, from the state of Maharashtra, feature stunning peacock motifs and vibrant colors. Mysore Silk Sarees, from the city of Mysore in Karnataka, are known for their soft texture and delicate designs. Each type of Wedding Pattu Saree has its own unique charm and allure, making it essential to explore the different options before making a decision.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Wedding Pattu Saree

Selecting the perfect Wedding Pattu Saree requires careful consideration of several factors. Firstly, the color of the saree plays a crucial role in determining its overall look. It is essential to choose a color that complements your skin tone and enhances your natural beauty. Additionally, the design and motifs on the saree should align with your personal style and preferences. Some brides prefer intricate and heavily embroidered sarees, while others opt for simpler and more minimalistic designs. The weight and texture of the silk also play a key role in the comfort and ease of wearing the saree throughout the wedding festivities. It is important to choose a saree that is lightweight and allows for easy movement. Lastly, the budget should be taken into consideration, as Wedding Pattu Sarees can range from affordable to extravagant. Setting a budget will help narrow down the options and make the selection process easier.

Where to Buy Authentic Wedding Pattu Sarees

When it comes to purchasing an authentic Wedding Pattu Saree, it is important to choose a reliable and trustworthy source. Local silk emporiums and boutiques are a great place to start, as they often have a wide range of options to choose from. These stores usually have experienced staff who can guide you through the selection process and help you find the perfect saree. If you are looking for convenience and a wider range of choices, online platforms dedicated to traditional Indian clothing are a great option. These platforms often collaborate with renowned weavers and designers, ensuring the authenticity and quality of the sarees. It is important to read customer reviews and check the return policy before making a purchase online. Additionally, attending wedding exhibitions and saree expos can provide a unique opportunity to interact with weavers and designers directly, giving you a chance to explore their collections and make an informed decision.

Tips for Selecting the Perfect Wedding Pattu Saree

Finding the perfect Wedding Pattu Saree can be an overwhelming task, but with a few tips and tricks, the process becomes much easier. Firstly, it is essential to start the search well in advance to allow for enough time to explore various options and make the right choice. Secondly, it is advisable to do some research and gather inspiration from bridal magazines, fashion blogs, and social media platforms to get an idea of the latest trends and styles. This will help you narrow down your preferences and make a more informed decision. Thirdly, seeking the advice and opinions of trusted family members and friends can be invaluable in finding the perfect saree. Their experience and knowledge can guide you in selecting a saree that matches your personality and style. Lastly, do not hesitate to try on multiple sarees before making a final decision. It is essential to feel comfortable and confident in your chosen saree, as it will be a part of your special day.

Taking Care of Your Wedding Pattu Saree

A Wedding Pattu Saree is not just a one-time wear; it is a cherished piece of clothing that holds sentimental value. To ensure its longevity and preservation, proper care is essential. After wearing the saree, it is important to store it in a clean and dry place, away from direct sunlight. It is advisable to fold the saree gently and store it in a muslin or cotton cloth to avoid any damage. Dry cleaning is the recommended method for cleaning Wedding Pattu Sarees, as it helps maintain the fabric’s quality and prevents any color bleeding. It is important to follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer or consult with a professional dry cleaner to ensure the saree is cleaned properly. By taking proper care of your Wedding Pattu Saree, you can preserve its beauty and pass it down as a cherished heirloom.


The Wedding Pattu Saree is a symbol of tradition, grace, and beauty. It is a garment that holds immense significance in Indian weddings and is cherished as a family heirloom. By understanding the significance of Wedding Pattu Sarees, exploring the different types available, considering the factors that impact the selection process, and learning how to style and care for them, you can find the perfect saree for your special day. Whether you choose a Banarasi Silk Saree, a Kanjeevaram Silk Saree, or any other type, the Wedding Pattu Saree will make you feel like a true queen on your wedding day. Embrace the elegance and grandeur of this timeless attire and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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